5 Ways This Cloud-based Product Can Help Businesses Scale

Cloud computing has been a major game-changer for businesses in terms of maximizing resources to scale. Around 62% of businesses today have adopted cloud systems, with industries only looking to see more integration as the years go on. Right now, leading businesses like Amazon are investing as much as $7.8 billion in cloud computing operations. 

The trend is inevitable, especially as it becomes more accessible for businesses of different sizes. A popular cloud-based product doing the rounds among small enterprises is MongoDB Online, which makes use of the Atlas platform to manage databases and serve as a CRM resource, content management delivery application, and analytics hub. 

All of these capabilities make it a major proponent in cloud-based operations, particularly because of the various ways it can help a business scale. 

1. Great Resource Flexibility

MongoDB is great for resource allocation. A singular environment allows different authorized users to access data as needed while still enabling different components to be scaled independently. This means your business only uses the resources it needs and can expand when necessary. 

Optimal resource allocation minimizes risks and constraints when you are scaling. In the context of MongoDB, its architecture is built to allow you to add more servers horizontally to match the volume of data you are facing. It’s a dynamic model that allows for the database to evolve in real-time with the organization, essentially allowing a more flexible load. 

Making a cluster isn’t difficult in Atlas, either. Tech-savvy users can use the CLI to interact with the environment, while those with less coding knowledge can use the built-in graphical user interface to manage resources. Adding users is also simple, as long as they are authorized with a secure Google account. 

2. Various Scaling Options

Wall Street experts note that a scalable company is all about the capacity to adapt to increased workloads or market demands. Whether it’s about financial endeavors or long-term business strategy, a business must focus on its structure and resources to keep up. 

MongoDB is inherently built for scalability, so you aren’t limited to just one route. Clusters can be managed online using a browser, but they can also be interacted with using dedicated applications. Either way, this is purely cloud-based and managed to ensure a high fault tolerance regardless of the device you are accessing. 

Even local installations allow you to choose your method of deployment, with various available drivers depending on your operating system. This kind of architecture gives businesses the freedom to get the resources they need most conveniently.

3. Accessible Across Different Deployments

One of the most efficient and cost-effective ways for businesses to scale is to outsource work remotely. But even if a tech company had the industry knowledge to figure out How To Hire the Best Offshore Mobile Developers, it would still come down to picking the right development environment that wouldn’t sacrifice performance and security. You still need the right tools for teams to hit business objectives. 

Hence, MongoDB employs a system that can be accessed and deployed globally. This means you provide high availability for those that need to get access. Part of this comes down to the platform’s sharding feature, which partitions data across shards that can be located on separated clusters. Essentially, high volumes of data can be managed from remote spaces with parallel processing. 

4. Provides Infrastructure as a Service

MongoDB’s online functionality services as Infrastructure as a Service. This is a huge bonus for businesses that may otherwise be limited by their infrastructure and budget. Although the specifics vary per industry, the basics often come down to robust workstations, solid Ethernet cabling, powerful servers with backups, communications systems, routers, and business software. Considering how one in five startups fail every year in part due to poor infrastructure, having a reliable digital platform that is managed makes scaling much more achievable. 

Atlas handles the servers, networks, and storage in compliance with up-to-date security measures. Because of the virtualized nature, it is also easier to access data without requiring the raw processing power that would otherwise be needed. Because of the elastic architecture, resources are on-demand and can be lowered if needed. There are also monitoring tools already integrated so businesses aren’t in the dark. Finally, the payment structure is much more forgiving for small businesses as you essentially just pay for what you are actively using. 

5. Simplified and Secure Data Management

When things are overcomplicated, progress gets shot in the foot. The same goes when things sacrifice security for simplicity. With that in mind, the popularity of MongoDB can be justified if only for the simple yet secure platform it provides. 

The reality is that cloud platforms are still very vulnerable despite their strengths. Thales’ Global Cloud Security Study revealed that 45% of businesses either failed to perform an audit or got a cloud data breach. 

MongoDB already has built-in security control for data tath are enterprise-grade. Despite the strong protective measures in place, it doesn’t make database management difficult for those that need legitimate access. It doesn’t require schema migration, querying is very simple and intuitive, the syntax is easy to understand, and it has automatic indexing to cut down time. 

Sajal Manjhi

Tech-Enthusiast and Founder/Author of Techotn.com and also a passionate Pinterest Marketer at Sajalmanjhi.com. Follow me on X twitter.com/ManjhiSajal

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